VCEW Past Programs

The Workshop has for some time taken place in Vail. Colorado, but earlier incarnations took place once in Portofino, Italy and several times in Mesa, California.

Vail, Colorado

2024   Keynote: Scott Tibbetts

2023   Keynote: Josh Benaloh, Microsoft

2022   Keynote: Ivan Sutherland

2021   Keynote: Robert Hormuth, AMD

2020    Keynote:  Whitfield Diffey

2019    Keynote: Iann M. Barron

2018     Keynote: Stephanie Rosenbaum 

2017     Keynote: Andrew Herbert

2016 - Keynote:  John Kelsey, NIST

2015    Theme: The Evolving Data Center              Keynote: Jon Callas

2014    Theme - Possible Futures                                Keynote: Robin Hanson

2013   Theme - Novel Computer Elements           Keynote: Joel Primack

2012    Theme - New Dimensions                               Keynote: Jim Hughes

2011    Theme - Expanding Frontiers                       Keynote: Dr Anita Jones

2010    Theme - New Horizons                                    Keynote: Dave Hitz

2009    Theme - The Next 40 Years                          Keynote:  John Polhemus & Ron Bell

2008    Theme - What’s New?                                    Keynote: Guy Steele

2007     Theme - 2010 and Beyond                          Keynote: John Wawrzynek

2006    Theme - New Horizons                                   Keynote: ---

2005     Theme - Future Visions                                 Keynote: Peter Hsu

2004    Theme - Future Visions                                 Keynote: Dr. William Glenn

2003    Theme - Expanding Horizons                       Keynote: Valerie McNevim

2002    Theme - Design Challenges                          Keynote: Intel & AMD on 64 bits

2001 - Keynote: Rich Gold, William Pulleyblank, and Ted Selker

2000 - Keynote: Bob Guernsey

1999    Theme -When does it get difficult to design chips?                                     Keynote: Dr. Richard Wirt

1998 - Keynote: Dr Rick Baum, The Next Decade of Moore’s Law 

1997    Theme - Technology Moves Too Fast to Worry About Themes!        Keynote: Mike Johnson  

1996   Theme - Back to the Future                                                                                      Keynote: Michael Slater


Mesa, Arizona

2003    Theme - Crossing the Chasm                                                                                  Keynote: Al Alcorn

(2002    Cancelled - Draft Program)

2001    Theme - New Frontiers in Computing                                                                  Keynote: Mark Dean

2000    Theme - Low Power Design Issues                                                                       Keynote: Stephen L. Smith

1999 - Theme - When Does It Get Difficult to Design Chips?                             Keynote: Dr Richard Wirt


1998 - Theme - Smaller, Faster, How Much Longer?                                                Keynote:  Tak Ning, Dick Bartelink

1997 - Theme - The Next Wave of Computing                                                            Keynote: Phil Hester

Portofino, Italy

1997    Theme - The Changing European Electronic Landscape                      Keynote: Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli

Wednesday June 19  2024